The AI Copywriting Stack

3 tools to be an effective recruiting copywriter

Recruiters are always looking for ways to streamline their processes and improve lead generation. With AI-powered GPT-4 writing tools popping up every day, it can feel overwhelming trying to pick the ones you need. You might even be asking, "Do I really need this if I have access to ChatGPT?" The answer is often, "not really". The key differentiators of these products from ChatGPT are the UI and what they specialize in doing. If you decide to spend on these platforms, here are the ones I'd consider purchasing first.,, and Taplio are revolutionizing the sales, marketing and recruiting world. They provide users with powerful, efficient ways to craft emails, generate high-quality content, and target messages more effectively. is specifically designed to coach users through the process of crafting cold emails and outreach messages that get replies. quickly creates content and job descriptions using GPT-4 technology, and Taplio helps users with targeting their messages to the right people using LinkedIn's vast network. GPT-4 tools generate written content in a fraction of the time it would take a human writer, making lead generation efforts faster and more effective. for Cold Email Automation is an AI-powered platform that helps recruiters craft effective cold emails. It's AI-driven algorithms generate personalized emails for each prospect, and the platform includes features such as customizable templates, A/B testing, and analytics. Research shows that emails with fewer than 75 words, mobile optimization, and clear, easy-to-read structures receive 10 times more replies, and helps recruiters take advantage of these findings.

Content Creation with simplifies content creation and job descriptions with AI-powered tools and a library of pre-made templates. The platform also provides access to AI-driven features to research and reference older content, which allows recruiters to effectively craft tailored messages. can repurpose content into LinkedIn posts, summaries, listicles, and Twitter threads. But most importantly, gives your team the ability to create content in a unified voice by setting guidelines. This feature is really helpful if you have a few people on your team who like to write for their respective audiences.

LinkedIn Marketing with Taplio

Taplio allows recruiters to be more engaged on LI. Users can generate their own posts or search and engage with others posts using GPT-4 as an assistant. Taplio's generative AI features quickly identify trending posts and create unique spins on popular topics. I wrote about Taplio's social selling features in my past article that you can find here. Definitely check it out as there are some cool strategies you can use to craft personalized messages for your target prospects.

The Limitations of AI

AI-powered writing tools are revolutionizing work as we know it. However, it's essential to recognize their limitations. AI can only provide limited insights into complex recruiting scenarios and depends on the data it has access to. AI cannot effectively account for the nuances of emotion or culture when making decisions. Again, its a tool to help you get work done faster and more efficiently, not a replacement for your efforts.

If you want some help getting your AI and Automation strategy up and running book me for a 1:1.


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