Your Target 20 Email Cadence

Hi Geniuses,

After I had written most of this issue, I stumbled upon a recent LinkedIn Live event hosted by Lavender’s Will Allred and Morgan J. Ingram, founder of Ascension Media Productions. I highly recommend you follow them both on LinkedIn.

Will has extensive knowledge in crafting effective emails, and his platform Lavender powers this expertise. Morgan is a well-known influencer in the SDR space, often seen wearing his signature Majin-Buu hat.

After watching it, I realized that they covered most of the information I had planned to share in today's message, and they explained it in video far better than I ever could in writing. So, I've decided to go through a few high-level tips on how to build out a Target 20 cadence and then link the video to go through the exact cadence structure for your BD efforts.

Let’s begin!

Last week, we discussed three sequences every Client Side Recruiter should have in their arsenal. Today, we'll focus specifically on the Target 20 accounts sequence, the research involved, the ideal outreach cadence, and building momentum in these accounts.

Creating campaigns takes time and effort, but once they're established, you'll be up to 80% more efficient with your time.

Let's explore the process:

Identifying your target accounts

Don't just list companies you think would make great clients. Understand why they're in your Target 20 accounts. Start by researching past clients to find commonalities across various description points. A significant factor for Target 20 accounts is your ability to expand business development efforts across multiple hires and departments. If you'd like more information, feel free to book a call with me.

Building your cadence

Determine how often you should reach out and which channels to use for each step. Tailor the cadence to your target company's needs and responsiveness. For instance, if there's a major procurement cycle, take that into account when planning the length of your cadence. For now, let's focus on the SMB market, targeting Decision Makers directly.

An ideal sequence lasts between 20-30 days and consists of 8-15 steps across various communication channels. Start every cadence with a LinkedIn connection, leaving a digital footprint. Make sure your LinkedIn profile is optimized to resonate with your target audience, particularly your LinkedIn headline. By optimizing your headline, you can effectively connect without having to craft a custom message.

Morgan emphasizes the importance of personalization in the first email. For your Target 20, this is crucial. Engage them meaningfully, and personalize any new-thread emails. In-thread replies can be automated. Limit prospecting emails to 5-7 total, spaced 3-7 days apart to avoid landing in spam. Morgan also suggests relevance-based emails, visual emails, and "goodbye" emails.

Relevance-based emails can be MPCs for specific openings, offer solutions to pains and even provide helpful guides and workflows.

Visual emails can also address MPCs uniquely, such as using a spider graph. Another visual could be sharing infographics on hiring demand.

Goodbye emails” should be friendly, like ending a conversation with a friend. Include links to your profile and relevant company resources. Lots of agencies offer market maps and salary guides so think outside the box a bit and come up with something unique. An example might be a LinkedIn branding guide to attract top Senior Accountants or a ChatGPT prompt library for the hiring process.

There's plenty of room between five emails and numerous calls in a 20-30 day cadence. The only thing I’d add to Morgans points is that for your Target 20 prospect list, don't just email, call, and leave voicemails at each stage. Depending on the cadence stage, triggers (like views, clicks, and profile visits) you can add a few steps that will help you stand out.

Consider adding a video message if they connect with you. Or if you're recruiting locally, try delivering coffee or snacks to the office. Attend keynotes, webinars, and engage the company on LinkedIn. Get creative.

Ground swelling

Ground swelling is when you engage with team members below the "powerline" in a non-sales way. It helps build rapport and brand within the company you are targeting. A great target 20 campaign doesn’t just end with more leads but it has a whole organization knowing who you are in a positive way.

Some ways to do that is by providing valuable and helpful tips without asking for anything in return. One idea I recommend to my clients is creating a hiring guide to your specialization. You would then send it to folks involved in the interview process, but who are not the Decision Maker.

Lastly, here's a radical idea: befriend the internal recruiting teams. It's incredibly valuable to have them on your side for larger target accounts. You will be forced to work with them at some point or another, you might as well build a relationship that is enjoyable.

By identifying your target accounts, establishing a tailored cadence, and incorporating personalized, engaging strategies, you'll increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your outreach. Don't hesitate to explore creative ways to connect with your prospects, and remember the importance of nurturing relationships at all levels of an organization.

For a more detailed look at a solid cadence structure take a look at the webinar from Will and Morgan below. If you want some hands on help then feel free to book me for a quick audit here.

Happy recruiting, and until next time!

Product of the week

The world is plagued with bad emails. Revolutionize your email game with Lavender, the ultimate email writing assistant that turns your messages into engaging, response-driven communications. No more lengthy, generic, or spammy emails that recruiters often fall victim to. Lavender's AI-driven technology optimizes your emails for mobile readers and ensures your messages strike the perfect balance, whether it's a cold email or handling objections. With the easy-to-use Lavender Chrome extension, you'll experience a world of difference in crafting messages that grab attention and generate results. Say goodbye to subpar emails and hello to meaningful connections with Lavender – the game-changer your recruitment process has been waiting for.


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