RWD #9 | A change of pace

Hey Geniuses,

Today is a change in our regularly scheduled program. Unfortunately, I found out that someone very dear to me ended her battle with ALS this week. For 30+ years this woman helped raise me and my closest friend (her son). She was my second mom, a true ally and such an amazing woman. As you can imagine, the last 18 months have been hard for her family. And respectively this week has been hard for me to write about the usual topics. So instead, I wanted to focus on giving.

Did you know that ALS is one of the most underfunded disease research programs?

Over 5000 people are diagnosed yearly in the US and 16,000 people in the US are currently living with this death sentence. It’s not because it’s incurable, but because there isn’t “big enough money” for companies to invest in a cure. Doctors who treat patients are often callous and unsympathetic to the plight of the families and insurance companies have no interest in covering experimental medication and treatment. Leaving so many families to watch as their loved ones whither away with zero hope. It’s devastating.

Below you will find a picture of both of my moms celebrating Christina and I’s marriage. Mama and Papa B (as I called them) had just retired and were set to see the world. Their first trip was our small destination wedding in Italy. This was May 2019 and the last time I remember all of my friends and family being together without a care in the world. I’ll miss her dearly and she deserved better.

That is why I am dedicating this issue to donating to the ALS Research. I know many of us are tight on budget at the moment, but whatever you can give will help. Maybe one day we can find a cure.

To donate with me click on this GoFundMe link. I am waiting on the family to inform me which program they would like to donate to and will give you updates in the coming newsletters. 100% of the proceeds will go to the charity/charities of their choosing.

Mama B and Mama McGhee


or to participate.