Master Your USP

Unleash GPT-4 Magic

Happy St. Patty’s Day, Geniuses!

What a week! Another round of layoffs for Meta that disproportionately hit our fellow TA’s and Recruiters. I’ll be toasting to many of their luck and prosperity in today’s celebrations!

If you or know of someone who has been hit and is looking for an internal role, but still needs to pay the bills in the meantime, please look at my 10-step plan post. The plan won’t get you money today, but in this market, it’s better to have some income on its way while you wait. Also, it may not be a bad idea to consider getting back to the agency life…the water is just a bit warmer over here.

On this week’s RWD issue, we are talking about Unique Selling Propositions (USP), why it’s important to clearly define yours, and an AI robot that I built with GPT-4 that will help you generate or refine yours for both the client and candidate side.

So, let’s get to it!

Let me tell you a tale of mediocrity that's plaguing the recruiting world: the struggle to articulate a USP. I've seen it, you've seen it, and your cat's probably seen it (they're very observant creatures, you know). Almost every recruiter I've coached chants the same mantra: "I find great candidates fast!" 🤦‍♀️

My dear friends, that pitch is as unique as a paperclip in an office supply store.

So, how do we escape this vortex of blandness? By discovering and embracing our personal USP as recruiters! 🌟 And oh boy, let me tell you, the benefits are juicier than a ripe watermelon on a hot summer day. With a rock-solid USP, you'll be able to:

1️⃣ Craft email and outreach copy that resonates with your targets like a Shakespearean sonnet. 💌

2️⃣ Develop content with the ease and precision of a sushi chef slicing through a salmon roll. 🍣

3️⃣ Provide MASSIVE amounts of free value to clients and candidates, making you the Oprah of the recruiting world. 💎

But wait, there's more! With a sharp USP, you can also:

▶️ Rig the system in your favor by setting the gold standard for evaluating recruiting services (cue evil laugh). 🎯

▶️ Ethically "borrow" audiences and attract clients and top talent in your target industries like a charismatic cult leader (but, you know, the good kind). 🤫

▶️ Craft value-added services and deliverables like workflows and SOPs that'll make even the most disorganized recruiters swoon. 📚

"But how do I get my hands on such sorcery?" you ask. Fear not, fellow recruiter, for I have summoned the power of GPT-4 to save us from the dreaded USP curse! I present to you... drumroll... the USP-O-Matic 3000! 🤖

This delightful piece of AI wizardry will help you generate your own USP after answering a few simple questions.

This is what you need to access it.

  • A ChatGPT account (it works best on GPT-4 which is only available on ChatGPT Plus)

  • The free AIPRM Google chrome extension

  • Then click this link to test it out (also free)

Once you input your company name and what you specialize in, the robots will ask you a few questions to help craft 4 USP outputs.

  1. A candidate side USP

  2. A copywriter's version of your candidate side USP

  3. A client side USP

  4. A copywriters's version of your client side USP

If done correctly, you should have a solid baseline to work that looks like this.

Here are a few examples of what I generated from my USP in the same thread.

What are some ways for me to improve my USP?

Can you list some content ideas for LinkedIn post based on my USP?

Provide a list of value add services, workflows, deliverable, SOPs and lead magnet ideas I could offer.

Nurture email campaigns. This was generated using another AIPRM prompt listed below.

For the nurture campaign, I copy and pasted a single output on the client side and used this AIPRM robot with GPT-4 in a new thread. None of these are perfect and should not just be copy and pasted into your daily work. However, as you can see the AI does a ton of the upfront work for you and can give you some interesting ideas to build on.

What are you waiting for? Give the USP-O-Matic 3000 a spin for FREE and watch the magic happen! 🌈 My only request is that you please upvote it so I can release more prompts that I have for you. To do this simply search “Usp-o-matic 3000” in the AIPRM search bar and click the 👍 button.

Until next week, stay fabulous, my fellow recruiters! 💃🕺

P.S. For the last 5 years, I have been tinkering and tooling to build out stacks that have allowed me to consistently bill $500k+/yr while working 20 hours a week. My email has never been flagged, nor has my LinkedIn ever been blocked. I've now helped dozens of folks streamline their process and focus on what really matters: finding the perfect candidate and clients. If you want to get the robots working for you, get in touch today.

Book me here and let's take your efforts to the next level.

Product Of The Week

Taplio is by far the best LinkedIn content manager in the game. AI Generative posting & scheduling, viral post searching, and engage with other creator’s posts on platform. But one of the best features by far is the ability to quickly pull lists of people who have engaged with a post. This is huge if you have a creator in your space and would like to leverage their audience to do BD or connect with candidates. Try it out!


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