Stop Solely Relying on MPC Emails

Here are 3 BD Campaigns to add to Apollo

Welcome to Q2 folks! You know what that means? Hiring season is here!

As excited as we all are, many agency folks are struggling to find new business in today’s marketplace. That’s because their standard Most Placeable Candidate (MPC) emails just aren’t working. The market is saturated with talent, clients are freezing hiring or laying off daily and it can feel like efforts are wasted… Or so it seems.

Here’s the deal, there are people still crushing it and this is still one of the best times to be in agency. So what’s going wrong? Well, many recruiters are over reliant on 1 or 2 basic campaign strategies that are focused on MPCs and basic service offerings. Today, I hope to enlighten you with the 3 BD campaigns every recruiter needs in their daily operations.

But before we dive in, I want to start by saying thank you to all of you Geniuses that reached out, shared condolences and donated with me to I AM ALS in honor of my second mom. It’s been eye-opening to hear from those of you who have had family and friends who suffered from ALS.

As for the fundraiser, we crushed our initial goal and once the family caught wind of what we did, they wanted to add fuel to that fire by spreading the word. Since then, we moved the goal post to $10K. We have $4k left to go by April 16th.

If you have the means, please donate with us. It doesn’t matter if it’s $10 or $1,000, your donations will contribute to finding a cure and providing resources to those currently afflicted with this terrible disease. Use the link below and let’s make a difference together this Easter weekend.

Now, back to our regular scheduled programming!

BD can be challenging, and relying solely on the MPC email strategy simply will not cut it anymore. This strategy really only works in boom time when talent is scarce AND in high demand! To truly thrive, you need to stay ahead of the curve and adapt to this competitive landscape.

Today, we're going to dive deep into the 3 campaigns that focus on NEW business, which will transform your BD strategy and fuel your future success. So, let's jump right in!

The Target 20 Campaign 🎯

To truly create a lasting impact, you need to build and nurture relationships with your top 20 dream accounts. The key to success here is patience and persistence, as you're playing the long game. Let's break down the components of an effective Target 20 campaign:

  • Content variety: Mix up your messaging to include educational content, free workflows, inspiring stories, and entertainment to connect with your audience on different levels.

  • Multi-channel approach: Leverage various channels, such as LinkedIn, email, events, and social media, to reach decision-makers, internal champions and future candidates in a way that resonates with them.

  • Partnerships: For example, connecting with VCs in the tech world can open doors to landing big clients. Whatever your industry, identify the partnerships you want to leverage and start forming alliances. But remember to make sure you're offering value to your partners as well. Successful partnerships are a two-way street.

  • Personalization: Automation is helpful, but don't forget the importance of personal touches in building relationships. Customize your messages to show that you genuinely understand their needs.

Discovery Campaign 🔍

Be the master of opportunity by identifying potential clients through triggers like funding, press releases, layoffs, or industry updates. Let's explore the key aspects of a successful Discovery campaign:

  • Niching: The more you understand your niche, the more effective your Discovery campaign will be. This knowledge will help you craft messaging that resonates with your target audience and drives results.

  • Context: Focusing on context instead of deep personalization allows you to create a sense of connection without spending hours on customization. Make your messaging feel relevant by understanding your niche and your target's pain points. Then, provide solutions to get them to their desired state.

  • Automation with a twist: While you can rely more heavily on automation, don't forget to tailor your messaging to your specific decision-maker. This balance will make your communications feel highly personalized. In order to do this, you need to lock in your personas and Ideal Customer Profiles (ICP).

Job Posting Campaign 📝 

Having a well-defined niche will give you a set of roles that you're constantly recruiting for, keeping your candidate pipeline flowing. Let's dive into the characteristics of an effective Job Posting campaign:

  • Automation: Since these campaigns are shorter, automation is your best friend. Around 90% of the process can be automated, allowing you to focus on other tasks.

  • The role of MPCs: This is where your MPCs shine. Regularly update your MPCs to ensure your messaging remains fresh and relevant to your audience.

  • Adaptability: Be prepared to adapt your messaging and approach as the market and candidate pool evolve. Staying agile will help you maintain a competitive edge.

Running these 3 types of campaigns without the proper prospecting and outreach tool is like trying to row a boat with one oar - inefficient and likely to lead you off course. If you haven’t checked out, then you are truly missing out. Prospecting, automation, and AI all in one for as low as $79/ month for the Pro Plan.

If you are looking for some assistance with copy, implementation or just want to bounce ideas around, I'm here to support you on your journey to recruitment greatness. That all starts by setting up a call with me here.

Have a great holiday weekend!



Instead of a product of the week, I have a simple question that I’d love for you to answer. Currently, I have 27 communication automations for BD/sourcing, Operations and Nurturing.

Would you be interested in a campaign series that goes through all the different campaigns and email automations to have ready on the candidate and client side? Let me know below 🙂 

Consider Donating

Did you know that only 10% of diagnosed ALS patients have a family history of the disease? Meaning many are blindsided when they catch it. With the current technology and greatest minds at our disposal, we are closer than ever to finding a cure. They just need the resources. To donate click the link below.


or to participate.